Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April Maker Challenge #12/30: Cheshire Baloon

WHAT: a hot air type baloon that has the Cheshire cat on the bottom of it.

OBJECTIVE: make a baloon that looks like the Cheshire cat looking down. make it float for relatively sustained periods. low altitude (mostly over parks or crowds). techsmarts inside is optional.

HOW: would be really cool if i could make it out of used plastic bags already headed for the landfill. not sure how technically feasible that would be tho. i want this thing to float. not fly. the "cheapest" way to get hot air would be a candle i suppose. could charge the thing up with a hot air gun - then have it sustain using a candle?

APPLICATION: fun! would be sweet if i could release this over parks, floating just out of reach. in the bright daylight - the most visible thing would only be the eyes and the smile.

bonus points: techsmarts. this thing would be awesome if it had a little camera, a GPS, barometric pressure sensor, and maybe some way to tweet where at what it was looking down at.

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